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Travel Club News

Clarkson Travel Club

Emily Schnelle

A new program being offered to students this year is the Travel Club. Clarkson will be combining with Leigh. Leigh has done a travel club in the past and brought the idea to Clarkson’s attention. High school students have the opportunity to raise money to go on a trip in 2015. Ann Cerv is the director of the new club and will be leading the kids in their fundraising. “It’s not official yet, but we are trying to start the new club for students to explore other countries and cultures,” said Mrs. Cerv.
Children in grades 9-12 that are interested have the option of fundraising throughout local communities. The trip total will cost $3,470 for 8 days. The total cost includes airfare, transportation costs, hotel rooms, museums, two meals a day, and a full-time tour guide. Or, they can choose the monthly payment plan of $166. Throughout the next year and 9 months, anyone interested in going will raise and save their money for the trip. The initial sign up cost is $95. Other expenses include a $155 insurance plan in case a student has to cancel and any other amount of money to spend on souvenirs and refreshments.
The trip to Italy will include many destinations. The group will be touring St. Marks Square and The Doge’s Palace in Venice. In Florence the group will tour Piazza della Signoria, Ponte Vechio, Chiesa de Santa Croce, Gates of Paradise, and Duomo. They will also stop in Assissi to see the Basilica of St. Francis. The group will go to Rome to see Vatican City, the Sistine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica, the Colosseum, and the Rome Forum.