Honor Choir Nominees
Many members of the combined Clarkson-Leigh choir recently tried out for the opportunity to participate in the East Husker Honor Choir. Auditions consisted of singing scales and the song “America” all acapella for selected . . .
One Act 2020 Google Form
If you are interested in participating in One Act next school year please fill out this GOOGLE FORM FOR ONE ACT 2020 so I can start finding a play. Thank you, Mrs. Kowalski

Boone Central Choral Clinic
Thirteen choir students from the Clarkson/Leigh Choir attended the 74th Boone Central Choral Clinic. This was the first year that the Clarkson/Leigh choir attended along with 257 other choir students from 15 schools in Nebraska. . . .
Clarkson-Leigh High School Winter Concert
On January 5, 2017, the Clarkson-Leigh winter concert took place in Leigh, after it had been postponed due to weather. The choir began with “Mary, Mary” followed by “Requiem” and then “That’s Christmas To . . .

Young Americans Come to Town
The Young Americans were at Clarkson Public Schools on Thursday, January 21st and stayed until Saturday, January 23rd. They were here to teach the students the ins and outs of music, acting, and dancing. Clarkson had . . .