Kindergarten news - September 2022
Kindergarten News By Wes Pokorny The start of school is always exciting, especially when you are 5 or 6 years old. In my attempt to reach and teach the . . .

Mr. Pokorny Receives Nebraska Statewide Arboretum Educator Award
CLARKSON—Wes Pokorny, kindergarten teacher in Clarkson, Neb., received the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum “Educator Award” for outstanding contributions toward advancing the knowledge and appreciation of plants among . . .

Clarkson Public Schools Receives a $600 Grant for Improvements to Patriot Garden
Clarkson Public Schools Receives a $600 Grant for Improvements to Patriot Garden Grant provided by Farm Credit Services of America Working Here Fund for Agricultural Education COLUMBUS, . . .

FCE Donates School Supplies
Clarkson Public School’s kindergarten class was visited on Monday, March 30th by FCE members Mary Cech and Charlotte Herling. The Colfax County FCE (Family, Community, Education) organization donated school supplies as a . . .