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First Two Patriot of Valor Award Recipients

Patriot of Valor

Clarkson Public Schools is giving out a new award to students in grades 7-12, called ‘The Patriot of Valor’.

What is it you might ask? The Patriot of Valor recognizes students for their academic performance, character, behavior, and attendance. Teachers look at academic performance by examining a student’s grades, class participation, quality completion of work, and admirable academic performance or significant academic improvement over time. Character is reflected through one’s attitude, responsibility, trustworthiness, and leadership. Honesty and integrity, and a sense of right and wrong also reflect one’s character. A student’s behavior can include their school spirit, respect towards peers and authority, being well-mannered, and demonstrating strong effort and work ethic. Another factor is if the student maintains good attendance, takes the initiative to communicate with teachers for school absences, and is prompt to class and respectful of the teacher’s time.

Teachers are invited to share nominations with Mr. Schneider for this recognition from grades 7-12, sharing specific experiences they have witnessed of that particular student, acting as a Patriot.  Mr. Schneider then collects nominees and a committee determines the most worthy candidate for that specific awarding period. The announcement of the recipient is made during an all-school assembly.

Recipients are able to choose what type of special award they would like to enjoy. Some of the choices include: preferential parking at school, sign in your front yard at your home that states ‘Patriot of Valor’, freedom to leave the lunchroom during lunch to go elsewhere in school, lunch brought in from elsewhere such as Subway, etc., Clarkson bucks, candy, privilege to sit in a comfy chair in your classrooms or in the American Outlaws (student section) seating area during a game. They can also come up with a reward that’s not on the list as long as it’s approved with the school.

The first student to earn the title of  ‘Patriot of Valor’ is Paige Moore. Her nomination stated: “Paige demonstrates positive leadership skills both on the court and in the classroom. Her dedication to her academics and athletics has paid off for her as she is in a variety of extracurricular activities such as Speech, NHS, FCCLA, FBLA, etc. while maintaining a high GPA as a three sport athlete.” She also played a huge role in organizing the pep rally for Homecoming week and setting up meetings so the student council members could talk about homecoming week. Congratulations Paige!

The second student to have this honor bestowed upon him is senior, Korbin Kudera. Korbin’s nomination stated: “Korbin is a worthy candidate for the Patriot Of Valor award due to his dedication to academics and FFA. In addition to academic success, Korbin shows great character and always has a smile to share. Korbin recently received a national award for a study he did on a plot of land for FFA.” Another teacher stated, “Korbin is always assigned the most difficult tasks because I know he will never complain, give 100%, follow all safety rules and instructions and do it with pride.” Korbin serves as President of the FFA Chapter and also of the senior class.

Congratulations Paige and Korbin! It’s a great day to be a Patriot!!