Literacy Night 2024 - Movie Night
This year’s literacy night theme was Roll Out the Red Carpet for Literacy. Every elementary student and their families were invited to literacy night. We started off by handing out gift bags to everyone. These gift bags had a bookmark, a straw, a pencil, a movie ticket and a list of the stations they could go to. Then we served hot dogs, chips, and drinks. Kids were sent toward one of four stations: Station 1 was Candy Wrapper Creations - students had to design their own candy bar wrapper. The best candy wrapper per grade, by votes, was awarded a popcorn bucket full of prizes. Station 2 was Movie Night Munch Necklace - students made their own snack necklace for the movie. Station 3 was POPcorn Sight Word Game - students played a game with sight words that were on popcorn shapes. Station 4 was Book Review - students listened to the book Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, then they wrote a book review. Our final activity was the showing of “The Incredible Journey”. Everyone got a bag of popcorn and then they headed into the library to watch the movie. It was a fun time for all.
The winners of the Candy Wrapper Creations: (From left to right: Birkley Balzer, 3rd gr.; Kaeli Jurgensen, 5th gr.; Andrea Pinonez, 2nd gr.; Paislee Schneider, 4th gr.; Annelisse Pocasangre, 6th gr.; and Kamarie Koehn, 1st gr. CONGRATULATIONS WINNERS!